Ellie Mae Encompass - Cannot Initialize MS Word

While Printing Custom Forms It Fails with "Cannot Initialize MS Word"

This Fix Below:

When you try to print custom forms from the E-folder, A pop-up appears that says:

"The Application cannot initialize Microsoft Word. Please Confirm that MS Word is properly installed before opening custom letters."

The Application cannot initialize Microsoft Word

Good Luck Fixing This
While you may have been able to print yesterday, and Microsoft Word is already installed and is working fine.   This is an error that is often impossible to fix, and is usually due to the issues within the registry and Microsoft word, Good Luck!

1. When attempting to print a custom doc in Encompass, change the Options drop down box, located at the bottom right of the Encompass Print window, to "Print forms with field IDs".
2. Next, click the Preview button at the bottom of the Encompass Print window.
3. Once Microsoft Word opens up, change the view from Read Mode to Print Layout (lower right corner of the Word document).
4. Close Microsoft Word.
5. Change the Options drop down box, located at the bottom right of the Encompass Print window, to "Print forms with borrower data".
6. Click Print.

Mailmerge - Other Steps to Take:
Open Word, enter WINWORD in the start menu, then go to the Mailings Menu and run a mail merge.  Leave it in Mailmerge mode, then back to encompass to print again.


-Open Regedit

-Back up HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TypeLib\{00020905-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}, by right-clicking on it and selecting Export. name and save the KEY in an easy to access location. This will allow you to recover the KEY is anything goes wrong.

-Delete HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TypeLib\{00020905-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}, by right clicking on it and selecting Delete


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