
Showing posts from April, 2020

Find and Remove Incorrect Office 2019 Keys

Find and Remove Incorrect Office 2019 Keys Remove a bad key that you installed previously. Using cmd.exe DOS prompt in elevated mode. in this directory C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16 Office 2016 / 2019: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16 or C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16 Office 2013: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15 or C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15 look for ospp.vbs Looking for ospp.vbs Show the keys Now you can check the license status by running the script called ospp.vbs, which is located in your Office program folder. cscript ospp.vbs /dstatus (will show you the keys circled) Remove the keys To remove your Office product key, you need to use the /unpkeyswitch, along with the last 5 characters of the product key. cscript ospp.vbs /unpkey:{last five characters of product key} Using key tool See:

How to Convert Cisco 7965G from SCCP to SIP Firmware Load

SIP Firmware Load on Cisco 7965G First Step is to get the firmware from 3CX Then follow these steps: When SCCP is loaded:     Complete the following steps:     Unplug the power cable from the phone, hold dows the # key, and     then plug the power cable in again.     The phone begins its power up cycle.     Release the # key after the Speaker button is no longer     lit.     You should see the following message on the phone:     "Reset key sequence detected"     Press 123456789*0# within 60 seconds after the Headset, Mute,     and Speaker buttons begin to flash.     If you enter this key sequence correctly, the phone displays     this prompt:     Keep network cfg? 1 = yes 2 = no     In order to maintain the current network configuration settings     for the phone when the phone resets, press 1. In order to r...

How to Make A Self Signed SSL Certificate Using apache openssl

Make Your Own Self Signed Certificate Using openssl Step 1: use openssl command this will make a new key called server.key and a new certificate called server.crt. the expiration will be 2 years from now. openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 730 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout server.key -out server.crt openssl session This command will make a file called server.key, containing your private key, with no password, and a server certificate called server.crt. Make a Certificate Request and A Password Protected Private key openssl req -new -passout pass:"Secret" -keyout priv-pass.key -subj "/" -out server.csr -sha512 -newkey rsa:2048 making a new private key with password=Secret Decrypt the private key with your password openssl rsa -in priv-pass.key -passin pass:'Secret' | head -n2 decrypting the key References

Ellie Mae Encompass - Cannot Initialize MS Word

While Printing Custom Forms It Fails with "Cannot Initialize MS Word" This Fix Below: When you try to print custom forms from the E-folder, A pop-up appears that says: "The Application cannot initialize Microsoft Word. Please Confirm that MS Word is properly installed before opening custom letters." Good Luck Fixing This While you may have been able to print yesterday, and Microsoft Word is already installed and is working fine.   This is an error that is often impossible to fix, and is usually due to the issues within the registry and Microsoft word, Good Luck! 1. When attempting to print a custom doc in Encompass, change the Options drop down box, located at the bottom right of the Encompass Print window, to "Print forms with field IDs" . 2. Next, click the Preview button at the bottom of the Encompass Print window. 3. Once Microsoft Word opens up, change the view from Read Mode to Print Layout (lower right corner of the Word document). 4. Cl...

Ellie Mae Encompass: Crashes While Printing Custom Forms, NTDLL or App Compatibility Flag Issue

When Printing Custom Forms in Ellie Mae Encompass you see Form Failure With Office 2013 or Office 2016, you may suddenly start seeing failures to print custom forms. The fix is very simple.  There are several things to try.  Before you do this, make sure that Adobe Reader is the default PDF viewer, and the App Compatibility flags are not set. Ellie Mae support article 30494 describes the solution to fix your problem.    The solution is to use the Windows Registry Editor (regedit.exe) to remove the registry entries that you see below in the image.   The final step is to open Microsoft Word and change the print layout settings back and forth. Good Luck, if this helps, then leave a comment below! Delete App Compatibility key Step 1: Open Microsoft Word, open a new document in Word, then find the Read Mode and Print Layout buttons in the lower right corner of your Word Document. Press Read Mode, then Press Print Layout. Press 1, then press 2 ...

Shoretel Director - Locked Out Until Full License Compliance Has Been Restored. Get Back In!

Suddenly Without Warning You Are Locked Out of Shoretel Director You or your phone system administrator has made a change that violated your licensing, such as added softphones or granted some user Workgroup Supervisor roles. And 45 days went by and nobody noticed the red warning banner. Now you are locked out for good.  That's real cute , thanks guys. You need to call Shoretel TAC to unlock it. You may even need to call your "partner" Grrrr....  Unfortunately, the only fix is to add more licences to come into compliance again.  Furthermore, you may have to pay for another compliance token.  Fortunately, there IS another way to weasel your way back into Shoretel Director so you can comply with the licencing.  Our method of weaseling back in is to edit the MainFrame.asp front end director landing page.  First step is to use RDP to logon to the console of your HQ server.  In this excercise, we will show you how to do this with Shoretel 14.2 (build ...

Shoretel CDR Database Schema Upgrade 19.XX to 21.82

Schema Upgrade Script Before Import Old Records Immediately after upgrading from Shoreware 19.XX to Shoreware 21.82, you will want to import your old CDR records.  Before you can do that, you must upgrade the old CDR records by adding some new fields.  My upgrade script will take your old CDR and add those fields.  To use it, import your old CDR into a stand-alone mysql instance and then upgrade it using my handy script, then export it out, finally import the records into your Shoreware director. Create a Stand-alone Instance of the CDR database 1 2 3 4 5 drop database shorewarecdr; CREATE DATABASE shorewarecdr; GRANT ALL ON shorewarecdr.* TO st_cdrreport@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'passwordcdrreport' ; GRANT ALL ON shorewarecdr.* TO `root`@` 127 . 0 . 0 . 1 ` IDENTIFIED BY 'passwordcdrreport' ; FLUSH PRIVILEGES ; Upgrade the old CDR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32...