How to Setup Shoretel Mobility Router 4000 With Mitel Connect Director On Premise Server
Shoretel Mobility Router 4000 Configuration Hints and Tips
So you just bought a Shoretel Mobility Router 4000 from Ebay or from a scrapper, and found that it is operational and was pulled from a working environment. That's perfect. Now you just need to reset the passwords and get the existing license keys from the database. The first step is to power it on and confirm that it is working correctly. Connect a VGA cable to the rear VGA port, and a USB keyboard to the USB port. Start it up and look for the login screen to appear. If it is untouched then you will not be able to login with the default admin/changeme passwords. You will then need to reset the password, using some back door methods that I will explain in detail. The SMR runs x86-64 linux.
Reset The Admin Password
The first step is to connect a bootable Ubuntu USB volume to the USB port, then reboot it, press F12 to get to the boot menu, start it up with ubuntu. In a nut shell, you will then login to ubuntu, mount the root partition, Use this command to mount the root and var partitions.
mkdir /mnt
mkdir /mnt/tmp
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/tmp
cd /mnt/tmp
use the unix find command to search and find the files called initial and active. You may have to mount /dev/sda2 /dev/sda3 or /dev/sda5 to find it.
and then find and hexedit the file containing the passwords. Copy the files to your USB drive. Take the USB out and mount it into your desktop computer and use Hex Workshop to search for the password hashes. Shutdown the ubuntu instance first before removing the USB drive.
Find the Existing License Keys
Find an administrator user and replace the hash with spaces to indicate no password. Or find the admin user and do the same. Search for the license keys too. Search for "LK2-ENDUSER" and "LK2-SRV" to find the keys. Save them off to a text file. You will need to install them later.Save the file with the cleared out passwords, and copy it back over to the SMR server using the ubuntu boot disk.
Finding the Database with Passwords and Licenses
Once you get access to a command line shell on your Ubuntu booted SMR, mount the disk volumes and search them for a directory containing a file called active and initial. The image below shows the files that are present in the directories. Copy those to your USB drive for later access. The file called active is a text file containing the name of the database file. Usually it just says initial. The initial file is a binary file containing the configuration.
You will also find the existing license keys there too. Make note of them, write them down and save them. You will need to find and clear out the password for admin. It will be a hash code, so just clear it out.
Finally, start it up without the USB drive, and then login as admin with a blank password. Add your license keys back in. I will add some screenshots.
Other Fun and Interesting Artifacts from the SMR
Other Setup Tasks
Add Directory Groups for Enterprise Contacts
If your Mitel / Shoretel director is at then make a user called smr and set its password. Enter the user name and password here for directory searches. Use port 80 or port 443 if you have a certificate. Port 5447 is the default port number. It is known as the "5447, 5449, 5469 TCP - CAS & web proxy" from this port description.
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