All of the Best Exchange Server Fixes, including FIPFS service
When you start seeing "Microsoft Exchange Server Auth Certificate" expirations
Sometimes you see this message when you use OWA or ECP.
OWA Login Error "Something went wrong We can't get that information right now. Please try again later. X-FEServer: <server>"
The above blog will resolve it.
Powershell: Change the Current Configuation Domain Controllers
This command below will show the current configuration
Get-ExchangeServer -Identity "exmail" -status | fl
the commands below will change the configuration
Set-ExchangeServer -Identity "exmail" -StaticDomainControllers ""
Set-ExchangeServer -Identity "exmail" -StaticGlobalCatalogs ""
Set-ExchangeServer -Identity "exmail" -StaticConfigDomainController ""
Enable or Disable The Content Filter
Disable or Enable it from the Exchange Management Shell
Set-ContentFilterConfig -Enabled $false
Set-ContentFilterConfig -Enabled $true
Check the status
Get-ContentFilterConfig | Format-List Enabled
When you disable content filtering, the underlying Content Filter agent is still enabled. To disable the Content Filter agent, run the command:
Disable-TransportAgent "Content Filter Agent"
Disable Filtering
Set-MalwareFilteringServer exch-19 -BypassFiltering $true
Check Filtering Status
Update the Malware Filter Service After Jan 2 2022
See This link:
Steps to Update the FIPFS Engine Manually:
Microsoft has also released a script at that automates the process and can be run in parallel over all your servers.
Remove existing engine and metadata
1. Stop the Microsoft Filtering Management service. When prompted to also stop the Microsoft Exchange Transport service, click Yes.
2. Use Task Manager to ensure that updateservice.exe is not running.
3. Delete the following folder: %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\FIP-FS\Data\Engines\amd64\Microsoft
4. Remove all files from the following folder: %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\FIP-FS\Data\Engines\metadata
Update to latest engine
1. Start the Microsoft Filtering Management service and the Microsoft Exchange Transport service.
2. Open the Exchange Management Shell, navigate to the Scripts folder (%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Scripts), and run .\Update-MalwareFilteringServer.ps1 -Identity <server FQDN> -EngineUpdatePath ""
3. Wait about 15 minutes for it to complete.
4. Check the Application Event Log, while filtering for event source FIPFS. Event 6030 indicates a successful start, 6033 indicates final success
Verify engine update info
1. In the Exchange Management Shell, run Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Forefront.Filtering.Management.Powershell.
2. Run Get-EngineUpdateInformation and verify the UpdateVersion information is 2112330001.
After updating the engine, Microsoft also recommend that you verify that mail flow is working and that FIPFS error events are not present in the Application event log.
Exchange Migration Tricks
Add this management snap-in
Open the Exchange PS Consoole first
add-pssnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010
Grant A User Access to Import and Export of Mailboxes
New-ManagementRoleAssignment –Role “Mailbox Import Export” –User “DOMAIN\USER”
Change The Network Location from Public to Private
See this link
Set-NetConnectionProfile -InterfaceIndex <IndexNumber> -NetworkCategory "Private"
Set-NetConnectionProfile -InterfaceIndex <IndexNumber> -NetworkCategory Domain
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