Wordpress wp-members customization - login failure message
How to Change the Message Displayed to Users When They Logon to WP-MEMBERS pages The default link shown to users when they fail to logon is just URL/wp-profile which is just plain stupid. You can change it to a custom logon page. You will be editing these files: dialogs.php , class-wp-members.php and api-forms.php full paths: ./wp-content/plugins/wp-members/includes/api/api-forms.php ./wp-content/plugins/wp-members/includes/class-wp-members.php ./wp-content/plugins/wp-members/includes/legacy/dialogs.php Step1: Add a handler in api-forms.php If you have a php file called login.php then it will show this link in the failure message. Add this near the bottom of the file. ...append this function to the end of api-forms.php... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 function my_login_failed_msg ( $ str ) { // The generated html for the login failed message // is passed to this filter as $str and includes the // formatting tags. You can change it or ap...