Install SSL Certificate on Amazon Bitnami Wordpress Website
How to Get A Free SSL Certificate and How to Install It SSL Certificates Should Be Free For Everyone Let's Encrypt and SSL For Free are two of the most famous free SSL services out there, with your new Amazon EC2 Bitnami Wordpress virtual machine, you now need an SSL Certificate. Get your free certificate at , install it like a boss the hardway using the SSH command line. In our knowledge base story regarding 31 Tips for Your First Business Website , our advice is to install an SSL Certificate immediately. Amazon EC2 Bitnami Wordpress is another great way to get a free website, free of hosting charges. We have a list of free hosting options here . You must run it on the free tier. Breaking News for June 2020 SSL For Free is retired and now obsolete. It has been bought out by comodo. You can only get 3 free certs now. My recommendation is to use Certbot to automate your certificate renewals thru lets' encrypt. Here's a great how to guide for Amaz...