
Showing posts from 2014

Historic Java Releases - why are they trying to force Java 8 onto us?

Historic Java Releases - why are they trying to force Java 8 onto us? Download JRE 1.6 Download java SE 8 The Very Last Java 7 - 7U80 How to Install Java Silently ---------------------------- INSTALL.BAT ------------------------------------------- @echo off cls echo ----------------------------...

Download and Install Adobe Flash - Tips, Tricks and Helpful Advice for System Builders

Download Full Versions of Adobe Flash and Download Archived Versions I am just as irritated as you are that I have to keep on finding new versions of Adobe Flash for my auto-install scripts. Damn Adobe keeps on publishing buggy versions of Flash that have to be replaced every month or so. We just need complete stand-alone installation packages to support automated desktop setup scripts, and you need a full and complete adobe flash installer package. So Here they are: everything from version 14 to version 18... go get it! August 30, 2019 July 20, 2019 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Download debug versions Download Archived Versions and Developer Versions December 21, 2014 - Old Links to Download F...

Microsoft CRM 2011: Upgrading Organization from Rollup 11 to Rollup 16

Introduction: My organization had over 700 fields in the Lead Object, had to pare it down to 662 so that the Rollup 16 database schema updater could create a view called FilteredLead.  First task is to delete enough fields in the Lead object and/or the Account object so that the FilteredLead view would have less than 1024 fields. And then next task is to copy the MSSQL database from production machine to another dev machine running CRM2011. Installing Rollups is a neccessary and dreaded evil that is necessary to obtain bug fixes and new features in CRM 2011 Steps: Build a new CRM 2011 Server that has Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise x64 with SP1, IIS 7.0, Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise, every Visual Studio Runtime from 2005 to 2013, Dot net framework 4.5, IE9.0, not IE 10 or 11, because they break the CRM Installer Splash Screen. Configure the SQL Report Server.  Install SSL Certs. Lastly, install CRM2011, {server, email route...

Step by Step Procedure for Installing Exchange 2010

How to Install Exchange 2010 on Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Using Windows Server 2008 R2 X64 - with SP1 joined to a Domain Roles: Application Server, DNS Server, File Services, Web Server (IIS) Features: RSAT, Telnet Client, Windows TIFF Filter, .Netframework 3.5.1 In Server Manager, Add Roles for Application Server plus IIS, Plus Dot net 3.5 Install Dot net framework 4.5.1 install ALL Visual Studio VC-REDISTS from 2005 to 2013 x 64 and x86 Do not install SMTP Service! Turn on TCP Sharing To enable the Net.TCP Port Sharing Service using MMC Install 2007 Office System Filter pack from Using Exchange 2010 install media, choose to install everything but U.C. Licensing Steps: Install Service Packs: SP1, SP2 etc... Install SSL Certificates in IIS

Install every single Visual Studio Redist package (VC Redist) silently and install Dot Net Framework 4.5.1

Install every single Visual Studio Redist package (VC Redist) silently and install Dot Net Framework 4.5.1 silently, install IE11 prerequisites, and then finally install IE11. Download all components from, and save to a folder.  But, first disable UAC! Open a MSDOS command prompt AKA cmd.exe, then run these commands from a batch job. color 4f vcredist_2005SP1_x86.exe /Q vcredist_2005SP1_x64.exe /Q vcredist_2008SP1A_x86.exe /q vcredist_2008SP1A_x64.exe /q vcredist_2010SP1_x86.exe /passive /norestart vcredist_2010SP1_x64.exe /passive /norestart vcredist_2012U4_x86.exe /install /passive /norestart vcredist_2012U4_x64.exe /install /passive /norestart vcredist_2013_x86.exe /install /passive /norestart vcredist_2013_x64.exe /install /passive /norestart NDP451-KB2858728-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe /norestart /passive  Windows6.1-KB2533623-x64.msu /quiet /norestart Windows6.1-KB2670838-x64.msu /quiet /norestart Windows6.1-KB2729094-v2-x64.msu /quiet /norestar...

MSDOS Batch Script to Fetch Day of Week

@echo off REM Create VBS that will get day of week in same directory as batch echo wscript.echo WeekdayName(Weekday(Date))>>DayOfWeek.vbs REM Cycle through output to get day of week i.e monday,tuesday etc for /f "delims=" %%a in ('cscript /nologo DayOfWeek.vbs') do @set dow=%%a REM delete vbs del DayOfWeek.vbs REM Used for testing outputs days name echo %dow% REM Case of the days name is important must have a capital letter at start REM Check days name and assign value depending IF %dow%==Monday set downum=0 IF %dow%==Tuesday set downum=1 IF %dow%==Wednesday set downum=2 IF %dow%==Thursday set downum=3 IF %dow%==Friday set downum=4 IF %dow%==Saturday set downum=5 IF %dow%==Sunday set downum=6 REM print the days number 0-mon,1-tue ... 6-sun echo %downum% REM set a file name using day of week number set myfile=%downum%.bak echo %myfile% pause

Windows XP Time Sync How to Guide

Windows XP Time Sync Note: Set the W32Time Parameters HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\w32Time\Parameters NtpServer:,0x1

Windows GPO Settings to disable Windows Animations

This kind of stuff is also controlled via the computer properties > advanced > performance > visual effect option. If you set it to best performance, all the stuff you want turned off is turned off. Unfortunately this changes a whole bunch of registry values but if we just narrow down on the stuff you want, there are 2 registry values involved: HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\UserPreferencesMask This is a reg_binary value. Change this value from 9E 2C 07 80 12 00 00 00 to 9E 2C 07 80 10 00 00 00 . HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\VisualFxSetting    I prefer this value 90 32 07 80 10 00 00 00   The VisualEffects key doesn't exist by default. There are a bunch of value that can be defined under here but the only one that really matters is VisualFxSettings. Set this to 2 to disable a lot of the animations and also to tick "Turn off all unnecessary animations (when possible)" . So if you're willing to do a reg hack on log...